Kuriharakita Elementary School
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School attendance zone map (school zone map) - Displaying
Nearby school / kindergarten(Nursery/Kindergarten/Elementary/Junior High) - Displaying
Establishment |
Public |
Telephone number |
03-3853-1216 |
Kuriharakita Elementary School - Teacher · Student life
Wear gym clothes / jerseys inside school
Mobile phone
Mobile phone possession rate
School lunch
Lunch Bring
Owned-cooked lunch
Offer warm catering
Request lunch
Feeding menu for cultivation learning
Class change every year
Teacher's grade responsibility system
Assistant classroom system
Native teachers
Transfer student
Going to school from another school district
Foreign students / students
Emergency contact method
Parental guardian's correspondence when leaving ea
Teacher's female ratio
Teacher's average age
Mechanical pencils
Mascot characters
Using sunscreen
Using deodrant
Using chap sticks
Bringing drinks
Heat packs
Leaving textbooks
Leaving school lunch
Going to the toilet during class
Going to the toilet during class
Social media
Going to downtown
Off the school roads
Buying food
Other information of user reviews |
Absence contact means |
No answer |
The information on Teacher · Student life has been voluntarily posted by Gaccom users. It is not the information Gaccom has collected.
It includes information that is difficult to obtain from outside of the school. Gaccom does not guarantee the accuracy of the information in this page.
In case you find mistakes or you have new information, please post User submitted information through User submitted information.
Adachi-ku - Number of long-term absentees [2013/05/01 ]
Rates of the number of long-term absentees on elementary school
Rates of the number of long-term absentees on junior high school
Number of long-term absentees on elementary school |
279 |
Number of long-term absentees on junior high school |
626 |
*Long-term absentees: Students who were absent from school more than 30 days in total in the previous year.
*The number is the total of the students of public and private schools.
*Rate of the number of long-term absentees on school is the percentage of all enrollment on public elementary schools/public junior high schools in Adachi-ku.
*Reasons for long-term absentees are, illness, economic reasons, school truancy and so on.
* Based on the material provided by prefectures
Tokyo - publicSchool lunch implementation rates [2021Year]
Elementary |
Full meal lunch
Partial lunch
Milk lunch
No school lunch
Junior High |
Full meal lunch
Partial lunch
Milk lunch
No school lunch
School type |
School lunch implementation rates |
Full meal lunch |
Partial lunch |
Milk lunch |
Junior High |
Elementary |
- * School full meal lunch: This is the school lunch whose contents consists of bread or rice (including the flour food, processed rice food and other foods, which correspond those), milk and side dish.
- * School partial lunch: This is the school lunch other than school full meal lunch, and the contents is consists of milk and side dish etc.
- * School milk lunch: This is the school lunch that consists milk only.
Tokyo - publicSchool Lunch Costs [2021Year]
School lunch monthly amount |
Number of school lunch |
Elementary |
Junior High |
School lunch monthly amount |
4,469 Yen
5,337 Yen
Number of school lunch |
192 Times
185 Times
- *1 There is variances on the average costs by prefectures because the contents of school meal, or the number of implementation about school meal differs by prefectures. Therefore, the simple comparison is not possible.
- *2 The junior high school includes the first-half course of secondary education school.
Tokyo- Number of school truancy of national / public / private elementary / junior high school [2017Year]
Junior High
Adachi-ku - Medical Care Cost Aid to Small Baby [2023/04/01 ]
Hospital visit/stay (target age) |
Hospital visit (age) |
18 years old - school year end |
通院 (所得制限) |
通院 (一部負担) |
Hospital stay (age) |
18 years old - school year end |
入院 (所得制限) |
入院 (一部負担) |
Adachi-ku - Number of Medical care staff [2022/12/31]
Internal/Dermatology / Pediatrics medicine etc. |
*National average
*Tokyo average
*Adachi-ku Average
* Comparison with the value in which nationwide average is 100
Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Dentistry etc. |
*National average
*Tokyo average
*Adachi-ku Average
* Comparison with the value in which nationwide average is 100
Classification |
Total number |
Staff number per 1000 person |
Internal medicine (general) |
382 |
44 Rank
0.5535 |
Respiratory medicine |
40 |
36 Rank
0.0580 |
Dermatology |
69 |
37 Rank
0.1000 |
Allergy |
33 |
36 Rank
0.0478 |
Pediatrics |
144 |
29 Rank
0.2087 |
Ophthalmology |
59 |
41 Rank
0.0855 |
Otorhinolaryngology |
43 |
34 Rank
0.0623 |
Child surgery |
5 |
19 Rank
0.0072 |
Emergency |
25 |
21 Rank
0.0362 |
Dentistry |
492 |
32 Rank
0.7129 |
Corrective orthotic dentistry |
96 |
34 Rank
0.1391 |
Child dentistry |
213 |
31 Rank
0.3086 |
- * https://www.mhlw.go.jp/toukei/saikin/hw/ishi/22/dl/R04_toukeihyo.pdf
Kuriharakita Elementary School - information
Gaccom provides school information not known by the words of mouth and reputation.