Daiyoniwabuchi Elementary School
The entire school
Number of children
1st grade: 32
3rd grade: 27
5th grade: 29
2nd grade: 41
4th grade: 26
6th grade: 23
*The original data of this chart is shown at The bottom of the screen.
Establishment |
Public |
Telephone number |
03-3901-2501 |
Daiyoniwabuchi Elementary Schoolの児童生徒数順位(Kita-ku内)
Daiyoniwabuchi Elementary School - Enrollment information
Select year
Number of children |
The number of classes |
Class size |
The entire |
178 |
7Class |
Ordinary class |
178 |
7Class |
25.4 |
Special education class |
0 |
0Class |
1st grade |
32 |
1Class |
32.0 |
2nd grade |
41 |
2Class |
20.5 |
3rd grade |
27 |
1Class |
27.0 |
4th grade |
26 |
1Class |
26.0 |
5th grade |
29 |
1Class |
29.0 |
6th grade |
23 |
1Class |
23.0 |
- * Research data of enrollment on Daiyoniwabuchi Elementary School is 2018/05/01
- * Number of special education class might include number of ordinary classes.
- * The number of special education class is 'Included number' of students by grade.
- ('included number' : The number of students who belong to special education classes are included in the number of general education students. Therefore, the actual class size of the general education classes may be smaller.
'excluded number' : The number of students who belong to special education classes are excluded in the number of general education students. Therefore, the actual class size of the general education classes may be collect.) - * The information above is based on Gaccom research.
Kita-ku - Elementary school - Number of foreign Children*Number of children returned from abroad [2013/05/01 ]
Rate of the number of foreign children
Rates of the number of children returned from abroad
Kita-ku - Elementary school - Number of foreign Children |
9 Rank
216 |
Kita-ku - Elementary school - Number of children returned from abroad |
26 Rank
16 |
*Number of foreign Children - indicating the number of Children who does not have Japanese nationality.
*The number of foreign children is the total of the students of national, public and private schools.
*Rate of the number of foreign Children is the percentage of all enrollment of Children on public Elementary school in Kita-ku.
*Number of children returned from abroad - This is the sum of Children in national, public and private schools, who continuously stayed oversea more than 1 year and returned within previous school year
*The number of children returned from abroad is the total of the students of national, public and private schools.
*Rate of the number of Children returned from abroad is the percentage of all enrollment of Children on public Elementary school in Kita-ku.
Daiyoniwabuchi Elementary School - information
Gaccom provides school information not known by the words of mouth and reputation.