Top » School Search » Hokkaido » Furubira-cho - nurseries » Furubirayojisentamirai Nursery School » Furubira-cho - information

Furubirayojisentamirai Nursery School


Number of children using Nurseries

Number of children on the waiting list of Nurseries

Number of children using Nurseries: 43

Number of children on the waiting list of Nurseries: 0

*The original data of this chart is shown at The bottom of the screen.



Telephone number


Furubira-cho - Transition of nursery enrollment information [2023/04/01 ]

  • Number of Nurseries


    Number of Nurseries

    Enrollment limit of Nurseries


    Enrollment limit of Nurseries

    Number of children using Nurseries


    Number of children using Nurseries

    Number of children on the waiting list of Nurseries


    Number of children on the waiting list of Nurseries

    Rate of student enrollment of Nurseries


    Rate of student enrollment of Nurseries

    Rate of children on the waiting list of Nurseries


    Rate of children on the waiting list of Nurseries

Furubira-cho - Medical Care Cost Aid to Small Baby [2023/04/01 ]

Hospital visit/stay (target age)
  • 0
  • 5
  • 10
  • 15
  • 20
  • Hospital visit (age)

    18 years old - school year end

    通院 (所得制限)


    通院 (一部負担)


    Hospital stay (age)

    18 years old - school year end

    入院 (所得制限)


    入院 (一部負担)


    *Research by Dept. of Maternal and Child Health Care, Bureau of Equal Employment. MHLW

    Furubira-cho - Number of Medical care staff [2022/12/31]

    Internal/Dermatology / Pediatrics medicine etc.

    *National average

    *Hokkaido average

    *Furubira-cho Average

    * Comparison with the value in which nationwide average is 100

    Ophthalmology, Otorhinolaryngology, Dentistry etc.

    *National average

    *Hokkaido average

    *Furubira-cho Average

    * Comparison with the value in which nationwide average is 100


    Total number

    Staff number per 1000 person

    Internal medicine (general)


    Respiratory medicine












    Child surgery






    Corrective orthotic dentistry


    Child dentistry


    • *

    Furubira-cho - Number of Fires, Accidents and Crimes

    Fires, accidents, crimes

    *National average

    *Hokkaido Average

    *Furubira-cho Average

    * Comparison with the value in which nationwide average is 100


    Number of occurence

    Number of occurrence per 1000 persons

    Number of firing of buildings

    4 items

    Number of traffic accidents

    5 items

    Number of recognized criminal offenses

    11 items

    • Number of firing of buildings is the research data of 2008 school year
    • Number of traffic accidents is the research data of 2009 school year
    • Number of recognized criminal offenses is the research data of 2009 school year
    • 【Number of occurrence per 1000 persons】 is calculated as follows; each data divided by population as of 2010 academic year data and then multiplied by 1000.

    *”Aspects shown by the statistics of municipal prefectures and cities researched by Bureau of Statistics, MIS

    Furubira-cho - nursery Enrollment, number and rate of children on the waiting list of Nurseries [2023/04/01 ]

    Select year

    Year 2012, April

    Year 2012, October

    Year 2013, April

    Year 2013, October

    Year 2014, April

    Year 2014, October

    Year 2015, April

    Year 2015, October

    Year 2016, April

    Year 2016, October

    Year 2017, April

    Year 2017, October

    Year 2018, April

    Year 2018, October

    Year 2019, April

    Year 2019, October

    Year 2020, April

    Year 2020, October

    Year 2021, April

    Year 2022, April

    Year 2023, April

    Number of Nurseries

    1 places

    Enrollment limit of Nurseries


    Number of children using Nurseries


    Number of children on the waiting list of Nurseries

    Rate of student enrollment of Nurseries (i)

    Rate of children on the waiting list of Nurseries (ii)

    *Research by Dept.of Childcare, MHLW

    • (i) Rate of student Enrollment of Nurseries = (number of children using Nurseries / Nurseries enrollment limit) * 100
    • (ii) Rate of children on the waiting list of Nurseries = number of children on the waiting list of Nurseries / (number of children using Nurseries + number of children on the waiting list of Nurseries) * 100
    • (iii) The definition and method of calculation for number of children on the waiting list differs by local governments. Therefore, even if the number is listed 0, there may be some potential students actually.

    Furubira-cho - Records of Weather Warning



    2017-02-23 22O’clock or around


    2017-02-23 22O’clock or around

    ocean wave

    2017-01-27 18O’clock or around

    ocean wave

    2016-12-23 7O’clock or around


    2016-12-23 7O’clock or around

    ocean wave

    * The above warnings include the following seven, i.e. blizzard, storm of snow, ocean wave and tidal wave.

    * The above dates don’t necessarily show the accurate time.

    The above records show only the latest five weather warnings.